Nova warp has to be the worst super in the game. If you don't use the Astrocyte verse, it runs out so quickly.
Seriously, it's attack radius is ridiculously small, it's damage is pathetic. If someone is in their super you are dead, if someone has even the smallest of overshield, you are dead. If someone even looks at you, you are dead. A slap from a wet dish rag, deals more damage than this thing.
The only way to get a kill with this sad excuse of a super, is if the enemy is afk or if your teammate takes them down to 1hp.
So many times did i detonate my super on enemies, only for it to have dealt 0 dmg or half their shields. There were those really rare moments when my super would actually kill them, but those moments were so rare that you are more likely to get banned from cheating in this game than to get a kill with it.
I never thought that i would ask for anything to get buffed in pvp, but this is just ridiculous.
Common with your skill issue comments and how you actually think that it should get nerfed. As if it that isn't predictable at all.