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11/11/2024 10:43:35 PM

Preordered TFS + Annual pass. Cannot play Echos, Revenant, or access the new dungeon

Greetings, Thanks in advance for your assistance. As per the title, I preordered TFS and Annual pass bundle. Returned to the game recently and finished TFS campaign during the end last act of Echoes, so did not approach Echoes and wanted to focus on finishing tfs campaign first. Noticed in retrospect that my season pass during that act was locked (inactive, so did not claim any rewards despite reaching over level 50), which is also the case for this current episode and season pass. Tried to play Echoes, finished the first mission and i'm barred from progressing further as the message displays saying I need to purchase the episode to play. I understand that my purchase should allow me access to all three episodes in TFS year + dungeon and other preorder cosmetic and exotic weapon bonuses. I do not know why I do not have access to any of the content, and appreciate your assistance. Thank you kindly. Warlock of the Praxic order, D1Y3 vet.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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