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11/4/2024 6:50:08 PM

BG not working on The Comedian (Adept S15)

PLATFORM: Steam SYSTEM INFO: ISSUE: Unable to swap 3rd column perk to Bottomless Grief on The Comedian (Adept) from S15, other weapons from S13 & S14 do not experience this issue, I had no other S15 weapons to test with this perk. REPRO STEPS: Attempt to swap from the alternate 3rd column perk to BG ACTUAL RESULT: the BG icon will flash red when clicked, other perks on the weapon are able to be swapped freely. EXPECTED RESULT: enabling BG on the weapon LINKS: NOTES: I was unable to swap the perk in DIM either, it returned an error message from the API of "You cannot afford the material requirements of that action", I'm probably in the extreme minority who still have this thing so... no rush, lmao



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