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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/25/2024 6:55:48 AM

7 Perk Buff Ideas

Bottomless Grief: • ignores the maximum mag and ammo cap and will always provide +30 magazine stat • kills while solo refill 30% of the magazine while in any darkness zone • when the user is the last living team member, the magazine is steadily reloaded from reserves at a rate of 20%? per 1s? Celerity: • can trigger when solo with reduced effects, does not function in rumble Collective Action • also activates when collecting ammo and orbs of power Encore • refunds 1-? special ammo for every other kill landed while active, 1-? heavy ammo for every 2 kills landed while active (dependent on archetype) Hatchling • can roll on other energy types and spawns different objects based on the element Arc: 3 skip seekers Solar: 1 tripmine lure Stasis: 1 coldsnap seeker Void: 2 axion seekers Heating Up • removed timer, buff remains active until the weapon is stowed • gain 1 stack when dealing damage with at least 40% of the magazine Invisible Hand • passively improves weapon stability, handling, and recoil by 15, and aim assist by 8 • when the magazine is empty, missed shots are returned to the magazine • every other missed shot from special or heavy weapons is returned instead



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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