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6/16/2024 1:48:35 PM

Matchmaking does not matchmake anyone

I started playing destiny 2 on my PS5 console again after a year break from it. However, I am experiencing a very frustrating bug. Whenever I try to play strikes, the crucible, gambit, or any matchmade activities the game either loads the activity solo or I'm stuck in matchmaking indefinitely (searching for guardians 1/12 in the crucible). Here are some steps I have tried so far. 1. I have restarted my router and network connection. 2. I have changed my internet connection. 3. I have used a Lan cable. 4. I have used VPNs. 5. I have reinstalled the game. 6. I have enabled cross save, closed the game, launched the game, and enabled crossed save. 7. I have changed my DNS settings. none of these seem to work for me. I cannot matchmake any activities. I still can use the LFG system in the game to find guardians for some activities but this still doesn't work for the crucible! Even with a fireteam of 6 guardians, we were stuck at matchmaking indefinitely till everyone gave up and quit the game. Unlike other players, I dont even get a Mongoose error code! I looked it up and there are some posts suggesting methods to resolve this but all of them are under the category of the steps I have taken to fix the issue. Still no matchmaking! Bungie please look into this. This is very frustrating.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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