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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
TheLastNerfにより編集済み: 10/12/2024 11:05:49 PM

Barrel Constrictor and Box Breathing Buff Concepts

Barrel Constrictor Concept 1: passively reduces projectile spread by 10?%, kills greatly reduce spread by 40?% and increase maximum damage falloff distance by 20% for 7.5s Box Breathing Concept 1: landing a precision hit preserves the buff until missing or exiting aim Concept 2: increases the precision damage multiplier on special and heavy weapons from +1, up to +3 / +5. For reference, amounts to roughly 90% / 150% (1.9x/2.5x) increased precision damage for the next shot on adaptive snipers,. Values will vary based on archetype Concept 3: builds a +1 higher precision multiplier for every 0.5s you continue aiming special and heavy weapons (after the initial 1.5s), up to +8 precision damage multiplier when aiming for 5s total. Amounts to roughly 240% (3.4x) increased precision damage for the next shot, on adaptive snipers again for reference



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