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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
TheLastNerfにより編集済み: 10/10/2024 3:44:29 PM

General Sword Buffs Rough Ideas

• ↑↓ Represent enhanced stat bonuses • Marking different categories with symbols so it's easier to read ⚙️ General: • Gain 20% PvE damage resistance and full knockback negation while wielding a Sword • Guard longevity (Endurance) generally improved to 5s minimum, and 10s at max value under 100 • Guarding with Heavy Swords will deflect (most) incoming projectiles toward the direction of the reticle, does not negate damage taken • Gain an additional 50% combatant damage resistance during, and for 3s after performing a charged Heavy attack • Swords now feature additional masterwork options, including Ammo Capacity, Charge Rate, Guard Endurance and Guard Resistance 🛡️ Guard Rebalancing-- • Balanced: Increased Guard Endurance and Resistance values to 50 from 40, now grants +10 Charge Rate • Burst: Increased Guard Resistance to 100 from 90, reduces Guard Recharge Delay by 1 second • Enduring: Retroactively replaced by Infinite Guard • Heavy: Increased both Guard Endurance and Resistance to 80 • Infinite: Reduced Guard Resistance to 30 from 40 • Swordmaster: Increased Guard Resistance and Charge Rate bonuses to 20 from 10 🔳 Frame Buffs-- • Adaptive: +10 Charge Rate to all except Bequest and Lament, +5% Heavy Attack damage buff (except to the aforementioned outliers) worth considering • Aggressive: +5% Light Attack damage, +15% Heavy Attack damage • Caster: Heavy Attack will cast disc while in-air, consuming 50 guard energy and dealing less damage • Lightweight: +30 base Charge Rate, faster movement speed when guarding 🎱 Perk Buffs-- - En Garde- rolled into Eager Edge - Tireless- rolled into Duelist's Trance • Assassin: Increases sprint speed, slide distance, and crouched movement speed while holding the weapon. Reduces the range in which combatants are aggressive toward, and enemy players' radar detects the wielder (-10m?). After landing a kill, user gains maximum movement speed and is no longer detected by enemies / pings on radar for 6s ↑7s. • Attrition Orbs: Guarding damage periodically generates orbs ~every 20 attacks blocked. • Counterattack: Receiving damage while blocking gradually increases the damage of the next attack by 5% ↑6%, stacks up to 300%. Attacks blocked within 0.8s of guarding grant increased progress, 15% ↑20%. ?Buff is represented in stacks up to x5 (each stack represents +60% damage) and is only removed after landing an attack.? • Duelist's Trance: Sword final blows grant 65 increased Charge Rate and Guard defenses, lasts until weapon stow. Refunds one ammo for every other powered kill ↑increases the chance to earn additional ammo. • Eager Edge: Gain increased Sword lunge distance and damage immediately after switching to this weapon. • Energy Transfer: (increasess base energy gains to 2.3% for blocked Melee, 1.7% for blocked Non-Melee, and 1% for Other/Unblocked while guarding). After class ability use, removes Guard energy recharge delay, grants maximized Guard stats, and increases Class Ability energy gains when blocking by 50% for 6s ↑7.4s. • Flash Counter: Being struck by a melee attack while you are not guarding with the weapon drains 50 ↓40 Guard energy and disorients enemies within 4m for 6s. Being struck by a melee while guarding drains 10 ↓7 energy and increases the disorient radius and duration to 7m for 10s. Disoriented enemies receive 30% increased sword damage (effect also applies to enemies that cannot be disoriented). • Shattering Blade: After landing 4 light attacks, stores a stack of Shattering Blade for 10s, which increases the damage of the next heavy attack by 20%, stacks 4 times. Light attacks deal an additional 10-50% increased damage while your reserves are at or below half (50-1% ammo) ↓decreases the starting threshold to at or below 57% ammo. • Whirlwind: Increases swing speed by 10 for each hit landed, no longer removes stacks when blocking. 💠 New Sword Perks-- • Sundering Steel : All hits deal double damage and consume twice as much ammo ↑passively grants 10 Charge Rate. • Return to Sender: For a short time (1.5s) after activating Guard, projectiles you deflect will track targets. Damaging targets with deflected attacks replenishes 10% ↑15% Guard energy. • Energized Outburst: After defeating 3 ↓2 combatants or landing 10 ↓8 light attacks, your next charged heavy attack creates a powerful Elemental effect matching the weapon's element. Arc- summons Jolting lightning strikes Solar- triggers an Ignition blast Stasis- spawns a Freezing mine Strand- emits a Suspending pulse Void- creates a burst of Suppression • Virtuous Cycle: Guarding against damage periodically regenerates ammo and health. Every ±30 guarded attacks restores 3 ↑4 ammo and 60 ↑70 health. • Stalwart Poise: Causing or blocking damage gradually increases your resistance to incoming damage while wielding the weapon, up to 90% ↑95%. Lasts until weapon stow. • Sword Savvy: Increases carried ammo capacity by 30 and improves the amount of ammo collected from drops by 25% ↑30%. • Pacemaker: Kills restore 40 health. As your health grows lower, movement speed, swing speed, lunge distance, and charge rate increases (values=?) ↓reduces the threshold to reach maximum benefits.



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