[i]Vanishing Step[/i]:
• Disorients nearby enemies on use
• Applying Void debuffs to targets increases Class Ability regeneration rate by 300% for 3s
• After exiting Invisibility supplied by this aspect, gain 50% Combatant damage resistance for 4s
• Applies a 50% damage debuff to Combatants to distinguish from other Weaken options
• Weaken effect now lingers on targets for 6s after the Void Anchor dissipates
• Remaining Void Anchor duration is visually indicated
• Maximizes weapon Reload speed and Handling for 10s after Tethering targets
• Defeating ensnared combatants has an incresed chance to find special and heavy ammo, powerful targets always drop ammo (special and heavy finder brick)
[b]Mobeus Quiver[/b]:
• +70% base damage to Boss and Mini-Boss targets
• After striking targets, grants the "Heart of the Pack" effect to the user and allies for 15s
• While the buff is active, caster and allies within 20m gain increased Movement Speed, improved Health Recovery, 20% damage Resistance, and earn Increased Super (3%) and Ability (50%) Energy when damaging or defeating targets
[b]Spectral Blades[/b]:
• +50% base combatant damage (+20% upcoming)
• All attacks grant Invisibility on kill
• Light attacks spread Volatile on hit
• After performing a Heavy attack, Light attacks deal +30% increased damage for 3s
• Heavy attack modified to damage enemies within a wider angle (100°?)
• +35% Heavy attack damage and +1m attack range
• Heavy attack energy consumption reduced to 9% from 15%
• Removed 50% faster drain penalty when visible
• Drains 20% slower while invisible
- - -
• When you gain an Overshield through any means, nearby allies begin to generate Overshields as well
[i]Controlled Demolition[/i]:
• Triggering a Volatile explosion restores 10% grenade and melee energy, this is shared with nearby allies (15m)
[b]Sentinel Shield[/b]:
• Heavy bash attack Suppresses targets (light Suppression)
• Allies standing behind Banner Shield apply Volatile on Kinetic weapon hits, gain Volatile Rounds for Void weapons, and Void or Kinetic Heavy weapons also apply Weaken and Suppression
• Increases the weapon damage bonus provided by the Banner to +50% from +40%
• Supplies a highly resistant Overshield to nearby allies (15m) for 4s after the super ends (-100% damage from Combatants)
[b]Ward of Dawn[/b]:
• Passively grants the benefits of Offensive Bulwark to allies affected by the Armor of Light Overshield (caster does not benefit unless aspect is equipped)
• While caster or allies are in or near the Ward, melee attacks also Weaken targets, and grenades deal (+50%?) increased damage
• The Ward generates additional Orbs (up to 7 small) as it takes damage, and refunds a portion of Super energy (10-50%) if it is destroyed
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[b]Nova Warp[/b]
• All attacks create a -50% weaker secondary explosion
• Pull enemies within 4m toward you when charging an attack
• Fully charged attacks increase the damage of the next attack by 20% (stacking) and causes it to apply Weaken within 5m
[b]Vortex Nova Bomb[/b]:
• Attaches to any powerful Boss / Mini-Boss targets it impacts, allowing for easier single-target damage
- - -
[i]Cessation[/i]: ability kills spread a burst of Volatile to nearby enemies (3s cooldown). Finishing enemies spreads Volatile further and applies Weaken
[i]Dilation[/i]: increases the duration of Suppression and Weaken effects applied to Combatants by 3s. Reduces the internal cooldown of Volatile applications to 0.3s from 1s
[i]Domineering[/i]: after collecting a Void Breach, landing void special or heavy weapon final blows within 6s releases Suppression blasts
[i]Exchange[/i]: applying Void buffs to allies (includes self) grants +350% increased grenade regeneration for 5s ( only a 50% increase w/ Offensive Bulwark or Devour active)
[i]Leeching[/i]: defeating a Void debuffed target grants an Overshield (5s cooldown). Melee kills restore 60 HP and trigger health regeneration for allies
[i]Instability[/i]: causing damage with grenades grants Volatile Rounds for 7s, grenade kills extend the duration to 12s
[i]Obscurity[/i]: finishing targets or landing powered melee final blows grants Invisibility
- - -
• Class Ability recharges 300% faster while active (only a 100% base increase for Hunters, only 50% w/ Bastion or Vanishing Step equipped)
• While active, landing kills restores Melee energy (identical to Devour)
• Sources that apply Volatile will bypass Barriers, applying to the Champion and automatically detonating on after 0.1s?, damaging their Barrier
• Volatile detonations deal +50% increased damage against Champion Barriers
- - -
[i]Axion Bolt[/i]: +250% combatant damage
[i]Void Spike[/i]: Can attach to enemies, damaging them over time
[i]Void Wall[/i]: Detonates on contact with enemies, releasing the damage field over the area of impact
[i]Shield Throw[/i]:
• Tracking is improved, can ricochet between enemies multiple times and gains +1 wall bounce, this behavior is shared with Sentinel Shield Throw
Vanishing Step:
- Disorient is a nice change.
- Void debuff effect is too similar to Stylish Executioner
- DR bonus would be OP when combined with Stylish Executioner.
- Debuff strength increase is too much. I think a duration increase would be better.
- The other changes are good.
Mobius Quiver:
- Keep the heart of the pack stuff.
- Damage bonus is too much with the other additions. Make it a support super.
Spectral Blades:
- 70% damage bonus is too much with all the other changes.
- Good change
Controlled Demo
- Keep it to grenade and melee energy
- Have a defined radius
Sentinel Shield
- make the suppression combatants only. Shield bash invalidating every super instead of just weaker ones is a bit much.
- Make the weapon augmentations just for Void weapons.
- Instead of a big overshield when it’s over, let it trickle on overshield with Bastion equipped.
Ward of Dawn
- Offensive Bulwark effect should only activate for anyone if the caster has it equipped.
- melee augments should be rolled into offensive bulwark
- Super refund is too much
Nova Warp
- Volatile is already a thing
- Weaken should just be an extra damage boost.
Vortex Nova Bomb
- attach is a bit much
- Instead just boost damage if cast with devour active.
- Volatile blast is too much.
- Good ideas
- Maybe… they’d have to be careful of future artifact perks.
- 50% is too much for a fragment
- Just no…
- Maybe
- yes
- No
- Sure
- Maybe
- Yes
Shield Throw
- Sure
Overall, I think most of these are a bit too much. But there are some good ideas in here :)