[i]Vanishing Step[/i]:
• Disorients nearby enemies on use
• Applying Void debuffs to targets increases Class Ability regeneration rate by 300% for 3s
• After exiting Invisibility supplied by this aspect, gain 50% Combatant damage resistance for 4s
• Applies a 50% damage debuff to Combatants to distinguish from other Weaken options
• Weaken effect now lingers on targets for 6s after the Void Anchor dissipates
• Remaining Void Anchor duration is visually indicated
• Maximizes weapon Reload speed and Handling for 10s after Tethering targets
• Defeating ensnared combatants has an incresed chance to find special and heavy ammo, powerful targets always drop ammo (special and heavy finder brick)
[b]Mobeus Quiver[/b]:
• +70% base damage to Boss and Mini-Boss targets
• After striking targets, grants the "Heart of the Pack" effect to the user and allies for 15s
• While the buff is active, caster and allies within 20m gain increased Movement Speed, improved Health Recovery, 20% damage Resistance, and earn Increased Super (3%) and Ability (50%) Energy when damaging or defeating targets
[b]Spectral Blades[/b]:
• +50% base combatant damage (+20% upcoming)
• All attacks grant Invisibility on kill
• Light attacks spread Volatile on hit
• After performing a Heavy attack, Light attacks deal +30% increased damage for 3s
• Heavy attack modified to damage enemies within a wider angle (100°?)
• +35% Heavy attack damage and +1m attack range
• Heavy attack energy consumption reduced to 9% from 15%
• Removed 50% faster drain penalty when visible
• Drains 20% slower while invisible
- - -
• When you gain an Overshield through any means, nearby allies begin to generate Overshields as well
[i]Controlled Demolition[/i]:
• Triggering a Volatile explosion restores 10% grenade and melee energy, this is shared with nearby allies (15m)
[b]Sentinel Shield[/b]:
• Heavy bash attack Suppresses targets (light Suppression)
• Allies standing behind Banner Shield apply Volatile on Kinetic weapon hits, gain Volatile Rounds for Void weapons, and Void or Kinetic Heavy weapons also apply Weaken and Suppression
• Increases the weapon damage bonus provided by the Banner to +50% from +40%
• Supplies a highly resistant Overshield to nearby allies (15m) for 4s after the super ends (-100% damage from Combatants)
[b]Ward of Dawn[/b]:
• Passively grants the benefits of Offensive Bulwark to allies affected by the Armor of Light Overshield (caster does not benefit unless aspect is equipped)
• While caster or allies are in or near the Ward, melee attacks also Weaken targets, and grenades deal (+50%?) increased damage
• The Ward generates additional Orbs (up to 7 small) as it takes damage, and refunds a portion of Super energy (10-50%) if it is destroyed
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[b]Nova Warp[/b]
• All attacks create a -50% weaker secondary explosion
• Pull enemies within 4m toward you when charging an attack
• Fully charged attacks increase the damage of the next attack by 20% (stacking) and causes it to apply Weaken within 5m
[b]Vortex Nova Bomb[/b]:
• Attaches to any powerful Boss / Mini-Boss targets it impacts, allowing for easier single-target damage
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[i]Cessation[/i]: ability kills spread a burst of Volatile to nearby enemies (3s cooldown). Finishing enemies spreads Volatile further and applies Weaken
[i]Dilation[/i]: increases the duration of Suppression and Weaken effects applied to Combatants by 3s. Reduces the internal cooldown of Volatile applications to 0.3s from 1s
[i]Domineering[/i]: after collecting a Void Breach, landing void special or heavy weapon final blows within 6s releases Suppression blasts
[i]Exchange[/i]: applying Void buffs to allies (includes self) grants +350% increased grenade regeneration for 5s ( only a 50% increase w/ Offensive Bulwark or Devour active)
[i]Leeching[/i]: defeating a Void debuffed target grants an Overshield (5s cooldown). Melee kills restore 60 HP and trigger health regeneration for allies
[i]Instability[/i]: causing damage with grenades grants Volatile Rounds for 7s, grenade kills extend the duration to 12s
[i]Obscurity[/i]: finishing targets or landing powered melee final blows grants Invisibility
- - -
• Class Ability recharges 300% faster while active (only a 100% base increase for Hunters, only 50% w/ Bastion or Vanishing Step equipped)
• While active, landing kills restores Melee energy (identical to Devour)
• Sources that apply Volatile will bypass Barriers, applying to the Champion and automatically detonating on after 0.1s?, damaging their Barrier
• Volatile detonations deal +50% increased damage against Champion Barriers
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[i]Axion Bolt[/i]: +250% combatant damage
[i]Void Spike[/i]: Can attach to enemies, damaging them over time
[i]Void Wall[/i]: Detonates on contact with enemies, releasing the damage field over the area of impact
[i]Shield Throw[/i]:
• Tracking is improved, can ricochet between enemies multiple times and gains +1 wall bounce, this behavior is shared with Sentinel Shield Throw
Nice! I also think a cool thing for Spectral to go with the buff you gave would be a new mechanic that helps is focus more on being an assassin, where you more focused on burst damage and high priority targets. -Light attacks apply a mark on the enemy -Heavy attack on marked enemies take SIGNIFICANTLY more damage. That way Spectral can focus less on clearing minions, and more on being an assassin.
Vanishing Step: - Disorient is a nice change. - Void debuff effect is too similar to Stylish Executioner - DR bonus would be OP when combined with Stylish Executioner. Deadfall: - Debuff strength increase is too much. I think a duration increase would be better. - The other changes are good. Mobius Quiver: - Keep the heart of the pack stuff. - Damage bonus is too much with the other additions. Make it a support super. Spectral Blades: - 70% damage bonus is too much with all the other changes. Bastion: - Good change Controlled Demo - Keep it to grenade and melee energy - Have a defined radius Sentinel Shield - make the suppression combatants only. Shield bash invalidating every super instead of just weaker ones is a bit much. - Make the weapon augmentations just for Void weapons. - Instead of a big overshield when it’s over, let it trickle on overshield with Bastion equipped. Ward of Dawn - Offensive Bulwark effect should only activate for anyone if the caster has it equipped. - melee augments should be rolled into offensive bulwark - Super refund is too much Nova Warp - Volatile is already a thing - Weaken should just be an extra damage boost. Vortex Nova Bomb - attach is a bit much - Instead just boost damage if cast with devour active. Cessation - Volatile blast is too much. Dilation - Good ideas Domineering - Maybe… they’d have to be careful of future artifact perks. Exhchange - 50% is too much for a fragment Leeching - Just no… Instability - Maybe Obscurity - yes Invis - No Overshield - Sure Volatile - Maybe Grenades - Yes Shield Throw - Sure Overall, I think most of these are a bit too much. But there are some good ideas in here :)
*scrolls to warlock* *tiny 2 blerbs of buffs* I'm good man, just keep it the way it is 🗿
I miss the days of season 16 where void was so good. My favorite colors and abilities in the game are stasis and void. I’ve always thought solar was boring and arc could’ve been much cooler. But sadly solar has always been the best for some reason. Strand is cool tho but stasis needs so much help the frost armor change was kinda just giving a water bottle to a village of kids who have no source of water. The sad part is every buff has a cool effect like radiant makes you all shiny and void over shield you’re purple glowy and woven mail you’re stringy and green and arc you’re super cool electrical looking but stasis frost armor it’s like oh cool you have a kinetic overshield lol
First, these are amazing ideas for changes to void, my only addition I would put is for Ward of Dawn to get its Weapons of Light back. We shouldn't be required to run Helm to get the buff as we never needed that before and we still don't in D1. Also, my favorite thing there is the change to Instability and Volatile itself because requiring a kill to get anti-barrier is beyond stupid right now as you could have cleared a room and that barrier champs still heals because you can't get anti-barrier.
Yes Yes Yes Now these are the buffs we wanna see. It's alrady a good thing they're making some stuff for episode Revenant but man if this would be perfect. Also nice thing someone remembers of void grenades, and that axion bolt is soo needed
I see no buffs in there for Chaos Accelerant, the one Voidwalker ability that needs the most improvement...
TheLastNerfにより編集済み: 9/21/2024 12:24:09 PMMinor Notes: • Quiver's buff brings it roughly up to par with the damage of other one-offs like Twilight Arsenal. The added team-based utility should help make it feel more fulfilling than just using another subclass for Blade Barrage or Gathering Storm • Spectral Blades' buff should bring it up to match with other roaming supers, though I didn't test the math on the "+30% after heavy attack" part • Axion Bolt's buff would have it doing about 2x the damage of a standard Vortex without the weaken effect, and about 1.3x more than a Vortex with just Remnants. It could use further buffs after this, but this would really bring it up as a one-off high damage grenade like a Touch of Flame Fusion, though other options would still have higher total damage (Voidwall)