Question for those who have all DLC. I took a break on the last season of the Witch Queen. Though recently, I've come back, I've missed 2 story DLC, a dungeon key, and many seasons.
I've bought Lightfall because it was on sale since I wanted to try strand. My main hope is to get raid/grandmaster nightfall ready again. Although nearly all pinnacles are locked behind TFS the new season and the dungeons from the dungeon key. Even the 10th Anniversary is somewhat locked behind the DLC, which will cost roughly 150 canadian before taxes for it all.
Is it worth getting TFS, season pass and dungeon key this late in the game when the majority of feedback I see is complaints of issues that have been around for years especially since most end game content relies on finding other players and everyone I used to play with has move on from the game.
I just came back because there are fun aspects to the game, but for every positive, there are just as many negatives, and I'm currently on the fence.
Thanks to anyone who has feedback/opinion on the subject matter
I'd say it depends if you feel the next ones are worth it to you. I personally like the sound of the next episode being a fallen/scorn vampire hunter episode and then the third one being a return to a decaying dreadnought.
I feel I've gotten my money's worth so far, but I expect a dozen others to hop in and claim I'm a shill or Bungie employee so take my opinion how you like.