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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
8/20/2024 5:45:47 PM

Melee Buffs

[u]Hunter[/u] Arc [b]Disorienting Blow[/b] -  [i]• +250% base damage • Increased blind radius from 2m? to 6m • When equipped, uncharged melee hits while Amplified deal +75% damage and blind targets (no AoE) • Melee kills on blinded targets generate Ionic Traces[/i] [b]Tempest Strike[/b]:  [i]• Grants an additional melee charge, and consumes only 50% melee energy on use, allowing up to 4 uppercut waves in succession  • Now inherits melee properties (eg: blinds and grants amplified on hit with Disorienting Blow, refunds Dodge and builds Combination Blow stacks on kill)    • Gains reduced benefit from Combination Blow's melee damage multiplier (+310% max to +70?% max)[/i] Solar [b]Lightweight Knive[/b] -  [i]• Applies x30 Scorch on hit • While Radiant, recharges 400% faster and applies 30 additional Scorch stacks[/i] [b]Proximity Explosive Knife[/b]- [i]• +20% base Combatant damage[/i] [b]Weighted Throwing Knife[/b] -  [i]• +50% base Combatant damage • Hold to wind longer, increasing maximum damage by up to +50% at 3s hold time[/i] [u]Titan[/u] Arc [b]Ballistic Slam[/b] - [i]• +70% base Combatant damage • Grants 15% general ability energy, evenly distributed, per target hit[/i] Void [b]Shield Throw[/b] - [i]• Returns to the user after reaching maximum hits, replenishing melee energy based on the number of targets hit   • Thrown Shield can be caught upon return to increase melee energy gained[/i] Stasis [b]Howl of the Storm[/b]: [i]• Now generates three diverging waves of Stasis crystals • After casting, melee again while airborne to slam the ground, shattering any nearby Stasis crystal[/i] [u]Warlock[/u] Arc [b]Ball Lightning[/b]- [i]• +50% detonation damage vs Combatants[/i] [b]Chain Lightning[/b]- [i]• +130% direct hit damage vs Combatants[/i] [b]Lightning Surge[/b]: [i]• +70% Combatant damage[/i] Solar [b]Celestial Fire[/b]- [i]• Applies x20 Scorch per projectile up from x10[/i] Notes: [u]Hunter[/u] * Despite expending the melee ability on use, Disorienting Blow deals base melee damage, just as Combination Blow does.   * This damage buff would bring it roughly up to par with other charged, close range melee abilities * Proxy and Weighted were included as they fall behind Knife Trick in both utility and damage, and are often hard to justify using without an exotic against tougher targets, or in places where enemies don't die in one hit anyway. * This buff should allow more forgiveness with Proxy, and set Weighted Knife apart as the "for damage" option without requiring an exotic (currently Knife Trick surpasses it in base damage) [u]Titan[/u] * Though it has a longer cooldown, Ballistic Slam deals roughly 70% less damage than a Seismic Strike, so this buff simply brings it up to match, while also providing a bit more utility [u]Warlock[/u] * These buffs bring Ball and Chain Lightning closer to the damage profiles of other ranged and non-ranged melee options  * Lightning Surge's buff puts it pretty close to Consecration, since it has little utility otherwise



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