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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
7/20/2024 12:35:14 PM

[Topic] Speedrunning Solo Grandmaster Nightfalls. Is the Grandmaster difficulty this season *too* easy?

Grandmasters are easier now


Grandmasters are more difficult now


Grandmasters are the same level of difficulty


I haven't played Grandmasters this season


For the past couple of weeks (essentially since GMs became available this season) I have been challenging myself with the task of not only soloing each grandmaster nightfall, but doing it as fast and as dastardly as possible. Most people might scoff and think "another consecration titan"... but Nay, hunters can be tanky too, or at least so it feels. So, this begs the question. Have Grandmaster Nightfalls fallen from grace in terms of difficulty? I have been playing Destiny for a long time and up until this season, GMs were always a daunting task that took at least 30 minutes of discussion and preparation with clanmates. I have been able to successfully complete each weekly GM nightfall thus far around the 10 minute mark, going melee prismatic hunter (class items w/ spirit of liar). Before anyone says "well of course, you're going prismatic, it's BrOkEn" - I agree with you - that being said, people tend to forget that EVERY new subclass is the most overpowered when it is introduced. Solar? Strand? Any rememberers?? That being said, solo GMs are not a walk in the park. I am just saying they are possibly easier to conquer nowadays than before. I am curious, what is everyone's thoughts?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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