Anyone have a good reason why I'm not my actual Season Pass Lvl?
So when you hover over my character it says that I am season rank 142. When you go to the actual season pass though, I am 104.
Okay, cool, visual bug whatever.......EXCEPT I cannot claim any of the rewards from 105-142.
HUH?????????????????? What a huge slap in the face. If this is intentional, does this mean that once I hit the max rank for the season, should I just uninstall because there's quite literally no incentive?
How do I even proceed? like this bug just progression outright? Because the game thinks your 142 (or whatever your case is) but in all actuality you are not that rank. So what? I just move onto Rank 143 without getting the reward? Why should I keep playing then?
Bungie, are you guys tracking this?
You can still level up, but prior to today you could not earn xp towards the season pass ranks 101-150. Any XP before today would’ve leveled you up, but not contributed towards the season pass ranks.