The campaign felt so messy and disconnected. It didn't feel like the campaign were connected in anyways and that you just jumped around. It also felt very short, yes some missions might have been long, but few of them.
It never really felt like we were doing anything or making any progress to help us defeat The witness.
All we did was just killing some ads and walked through some scenery giving you some back story.
What was even the point of bringing Cade-6 back ? I don't really care about any characters in this game, never did and never will. So it is not a bias thing. With that being said, i do know that some people do like him and so does Bungie.
Cade-6 was plastered all over the trailers as to get people hyped and to give them a reason to buy the dlc. It just doesn't make any sense why they would make this big deal out of him coming back, only to have him show up like 3 times and then die again at the end.
Cade-6 did nothing throughout the entire campaign, except talk to Crow. He was such a nothing character that the story and campaign would have been the same without him.
I am sure that he was only added just to bait people into buying the dlc.
Let's talk about the Witness himself. What a complete joke he was. He has been built up to be this massive threat, like he was so powerful and such an opposing threat that he could with the flick of his finger, just decimate an entire fleet.
So when you finally go up against him, he is an absolute joke of a boss.
He is on par with Panoptes, Infinite Mind (Final boss of Curse of Osiris)
They both just stood there and allowed you to shoot them with next to no resistance.
Personally i think that they should have left him until the end of the dlc, so in that way we could have gone through the chaos and the increased threat that he brought, and when we finally got through all of his army and attacks.
Pale heart / inside of the Traveler. I honestly don't know why they decided to make it a private planet. The are 3 main areas but all 3 have the same activities on them, the only thing different is the enemies and the boss. For a single player planet, it is unnecessarily large with no variations in the activities.
The activities are braindead levels of easy, nothing of challenge to be found. They could have taken this opportunity to add some friendly npc's that could have been seen walking around and attacking enemies.
The Prismatic subclass is probably the most disappointing thing about the dlc.
First of all, we didn't get a new subclass but a mixture of the previous classes.
We didn't get all of the abilities and the ones we got, wasn't the best.
The new supers are very varied. A void super for Titans, and Arc super for Hunters and a Solar for Warlocks.
Hunters super is pretty strong, but its timer goes down to fast, so fast so that if you are not spamming it, you are likely to run out. It also got the same issue as Strand does, if you are on target with it, you are basically dealing no damage, so you will have to back of after each throw, but with the short timer, you are very likely to miss out on a throw.
Titans is okay, deals alright damage on the throws, but the relics it leaves are very weak.
Warlock just gets a grenade and an upgraded melee. Good for ad clear and ok for bosses.
I guess it is more disappointing to me, because i would have rather seen a new subclass, as i saw no real reason for this to have been needed.
Pathfinder and the removal of bounties. There was no reason for this change, whilst some might not have liked the bounty system and i can agree that some were boring. I could have seen them either go back to the old challenge card type of system, where you would usually have around 3 different challenges on it. They could have also gone the route of how the weekly bounties were, around 2-3 challenges on one bounty. Might sound like it would have been more tedious but i think it could have spiced it up a bit.
Pathfinder can be good if they change it so that each core activity either has it own pathfinder tab or path. Being forced to do activities that you do not want to do is not the way to go, even if it is to try and make activities more populated. This will only make people either stop completing the pathfinder or just stop all together.
Lastly, the removal of all Spec mods. This move makes no sense. The only mods we pve players benefited from, were these spec mods, gaining a small increase of dmg against a specific group of enemies, is a nice bonus and in my opinion the only thing that will help us.
This change also has a negative impact on the Adept weapons. The biggest advantage that the Adept weapons had over the normal ones, was the Adept big one spec, A combination between Major and Boss spec. Not all Adept weapons benefited from this mods, Primaries gained really nothing from it, mainly because you wouldn't really use it against bosses nor majors. Well not all of the time, you might use it on your champion weapon in Gms.
Anyways, losing these mods is really annoying because there was no reason what so ever. Now the only option we have, is either backup mag or nothing.