[b]General Buffs Outline:[/b]
+5 Base Reserves (6 to 11)
+1 to base ammo pickups, functions with scavenger mods again (3 ammo on scav pickups)
• aim to lock on to (lots of) targets (fires bonus rockets?)
• soften boss damage penalty and + damage to mini-bosses
• uniform spread (converges into cylindrical spiral shape as opposed to erratic, random nonsense)[/i]
[b]Perk Changes[/b]
[u]Mad Scientist[/u]:
Fires a large number of miniature tracking rockets in a single volley. Aim down sights to highlight enemies, marking them for rockets to target when fired[/i]
[u]Mechanized Autoloader[/u]:
This weapon automatically reloads after a short delay when empty. Collecting an ammo pickup will overflow the magazine (uncapped)[/i]
[u]Pinpoint Guidance Module Catalyst[/u]:
Further improves the tracking capabilities of rocket projectiles. (+speed and aggression)
+ Chain Reaction[/i]
The easiest buff,
-Increase reserves to 10
-Add chain reaction or jolt
-Add mulligan and Deconstruct (prenerf)
Theoretically each rocket that misses would proc mulligan and refund the whole volley, and pre nerf Deconstruct would refund the volley if 3 rockets hit and reload. Jolt would also make it stun overload champions.