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5/20/2024 4:02:06 PM

Weird fps issues

My frames have been consistently lower than normal recently in certain activities, but it can drop a lot sometimes. Say I'm in a raid. My frames are sitting around 110-130. This is not normal for my pc btw. So a dps phase starts, and my fps can drop as low as 78. I had this happen in the planets encounter in pantheon yesterday. It also has dropped that low suddenly in a pvp match when I was standing in a well a couple weeks ago. I'm just wondering what might be causing this. It is nowhere near as bad when im solo, but it's definitely still happening. It only happens when theres effects like healing grenades or wells or pve enemies on my screen. As soon as an entire room of enemies has been killed, my fps goes straight back up to normal, which is around 160-170. So it's normal when nothing is really happening. When I first got this thing and a few months after it was fine but this suddenly started happening. Anyone have ideas? GeForce RTX 3070 Intel I7 12700k 64gb ram
#Help #pcsupport



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