[b]General Buffs Outline:[/b]
+5 Base Reserves (6 to 11)
+1 to base ammo pickups, functions with scavenger mods again (3 ammo on scav pickups)
• aim to lock on to (lots of) targets (fires bonus rockets?)
• soften boss damage penalty and + damage to mini-bosses
• uniform spread (converges into cylindrical spiral shape as opposed to erratic, random nonsense)[/i]
[b]Perk Changes[/b]
[u]Mad Scientist[/u]:
Fires a large number of miniature tracking rockets in a single volley. Aim down sights to highlight enemies, marking them for rockets to target when fired[/i]
[u]Mechanized Autoloader[/u]:
This weapon automatically reloads after a short delay when empty. Collecting an ammo pickup will overflow the magazine (uncapped)[/i]
[u]Pinpoint Guidance Module Catalyst[/u]:
Further improves the tracking capabilities of rocket projectiles. (+speed and aggression)
+ Chain Reaction[/i]
The easiest buff,
-Increase reserves to 10
-Add chain reaction or jolt
-Add mulligan and Deconstruct (prenerf)
Theoretically each rocket that misses would proc mulligan and refund the whole volley, and pre nerf Deconstruct would refund the volley if 3 rockets hit and reload. Jolt would also make it stun overload champions.
Needs some work. Not really sure the role it should fill since Eyes has taken over the crowd clearing, Ghorn is support, Dragon's is for damage, and then there are weird niche options like Deathbringer and Two-Tailed
Thought something like this would be neat
"Rapidly defeating multiple targets has an escalating chance to find heavy ammo for the entire team", but it doesn't seem to fit the weapon