• 2.75x Arc Seeker Mode Base Damage
• +3.5s Revolution Base Timer[/i]
This weapon fires full auto and can alternate between two distinct modes:
[b]Primary: standard rapid-fire scout rifle: snappy, highly accurate.[/b]
[b]Secondary: launches arc projectiles that slightly track targets and create area of effect explosions on impact. Drastically slower fire rate, precision damage disabled.[/b][/i]
[u]Dynamic Charge[/u]
[i]Landing precision hits, kills, or causing splash damage with Arc Seeker projectiles (per target) grants Dynamic Charges. While you have Dynamic Charges, swap firing modes to instantly reload the weapon and gain additional effects for the secondary firing mode. The duration and strength of applied effects are based on the number of Charges consumed.
[b]Switching To Primary: drastically improves reload speed, range, and fire rate[/b]
[b]Switching To Seeker: increases projectile damage, tracking strength (unchanged), and refunds ammo when landing hits[/b][/i]
[u]Electric Styx Catalyst[/u]
[i]Increases the maximum number of Dynamic Charge stacks. Causing damage while Revolution effect is active extends its duration[/i]
- Primary gains:
• +75 reload
• 0.6x Reload Duration Multiplier (0.82s reload)
• +30% Damage Falloff Distance
• 0.6x Reduced Firing Delay
• continually landing hits can extend Revolution's duration up to 50%