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Duardoにより編集済み: 5/24/2024 6:32:07 AM

Really, Bungie Store? Really? 1 year just wasted

Hi, About 12 hrs ago, Bungie Store just told me that my order has been 'lost' and they're willing to refund. The problem is, I've been waiting this reward for over a YEAR. Here's the history. *Sorry for the bad English, I'm not native :( The order was made in April, 2023. June 2023, Bungie asked me to change the personalization since Korean is invalid for it. [quote]Hello Guardian, In regards to your personalized Bungie Rewards - Root of Nightmares Raid Jacket. It appears that you entered an invalid personalization at the time of purchase. If you would like this personalized, please provide a valid personalization, otherwise the item will not be personalized. The personalization is maximum 16 characters, please do NOT include special characters, punctuation or symbols. Please provide a valid personalization by end of 7/31/2023, if not you will receive the default "Root of Nightmares" patch. Regards, Bungie Merchandise Support[/quote] I replied; [quote]Hello. I didn’t know you guys don’t support Korean alphabets. Please name the patch as 5minGuardian. If spacing is allowed, name 5 - min - Guardian. Many thanks.[/quote] In Jan 4, 2024, weather gon crazy so I wanted my jacket BAD. So I made the inquiry if my jacket is shipping or not. [quote]Hi, I want to track down my orders. Is my package on the way? If it is, please tell me how to track the post. (+ post number) If it's not, please fetch the progress of the product, like it's not yet made or some sort of. I want to know if it's intact and now is shipping or not. I've been waited around an year. *I DO NOT WANT automatic reply. Show some respect to your customer.[/quote] And they didn't reply for around a week. In Jan 10, 2024, they said; [quote]Hi H---n, Thank you for contacting the Bungie Store. We are happy to assist. The shipping estimate for this preorder, as stated on the product page, is 6-8 months from the date of purchase. The warehouse is currently shipping orders that were placed in April. A tracking email will go out for your order when it ships. Please make sure to check for updates here: US: ---------------- Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions. Regards, S-- Bungie Store Merchandise Support[/quote] In last week of Feb 2024 - As expected, and sadly, no shipping infos nor packages arrived to me. At this moment, I was upset so much so I almost yelled at them. [quote]Yo seriously, where the hell is my jacket???????[/quote] And they told me like; [quote]Hi There, Thank you for contacting the Bungie Store. We apologize for the delay. Your order is still being processed. A tracking email will go out for your order when it ships. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Regards, S-- Bungie Store Merchandise Support.[/quote] *In April, I told them to check the delivery but they gave me exactly same answer. Eventually, through March and April, May has come. Cruel, cruel month. It's already past a year from the order date. So I got worried and panicked, what if my order gone wrong? Bad feelings were punching my brains and heart. [quote]Hello, I strongly suspect that there is a problem with my order. It's been over a year since the day I made the purchase. The Root of Nightmare Jacket, exactly. That item is not even on the Estimated Shipping Schedule list anymore, which implicates 2 things to me. *My product should have been ready, shipped out. And should have been informed about it. (*didn't receive any announcement). *copying and sending that chart does nothing to me and this case. I've been searching if there's any person that has the same problem with the products at communities such as Reddit, DCInside and X but unfortunately I found none. Others got their jackets at least in a half year. Please, I beg you, check my order and tell me how it's going - like I said, sending a schedule won't help anything in this circumstance. I really don't want to be, but I'm afraid to say I'm losing trust in your company. Match the responsibility with your role. Your CUSTOMER needs HELP right now. ACTIVE, ACTUAL ASSISTANCE! Thank you.[/quote] Aaaaaand they got me THIS BS. [quote]Hi H---n, Thank you for contacting the Bungie Store. Sadly, it seems your order has been lost. We would like to provide a full refund for your order pending your confirmation. We apologize for the situation. Regards, C-------n Bungie Store Merchandise Support[/quote] 1 year of craving damn jacket just blew up by 5 sentences. I knew there would be a problem with my product, but still I got extremely disapointed. [quote]What????? You can't just downplay this, I gave you guys so many chances to check it out!!! I ASKED YOU several times to inspect if my order is doing okay or not. You got the inquiry history, don't you? It's lost? In which sequence of delivery??? Is it lost while you're sending it to the shipping agency? Or was my product not shipped from the Bungie Store warehouse? It's very irresponsible to say, 'Oh, sorry. I don't have your product. Take your money back' without elaborating on the current situation. Shame on you. Truly, what a shame. I want my jacket. It's that meaningful. You'll have some left in stock. The only way to solve this problem is to ship the jacket to me. Come on...[/quote] I don't think they will send me a jacket, eventually I will get a refund. But still this is utterly unpleasant experience 'cos the RoN jacket seems to be very cool and I played the raid mission many times only for it. [b]For all Guardians outside of EU and US, just buy the merchs in Ebay or somewhere else. It's much safer, faster than Bungie Store.[/b] Good grief. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Help forum where you can find answers and troubleshoot any Destiny in-game / / companion app issues, courtesy of other helpful players and [url=]Mentors[/url]. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]



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