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5/7/2024 6:35:00 AM

Older seasons

Due to a breakdown of my gaming laptop I was not able to play two previous seasons; Deep and Witch. I bought Lightfall+Annual pass when it was released. Some time before Christmas I got it repaired and manage to play a bit before getting too busy with RL things. Anyway, I continued to play in January making my best to catch up progressing in game. However I can't progress in the "Witch season pass" beyond level 26.. Since one can pick up rewards from one earlier season, - is it fair not be able to get hold of prepaid content if one are unlucky, like a; - Laptop Crash?! I'm not asking for to be able to grab the pass's rewards without doing the xp;s or all lost seasons, only the previous one which one can grab unclaimed rewards from, anyway. Where is the incitament to pay for the annual pass if one can't access and/or restore some of it when bad luck hits an expensive gaming object. Especially taking time trying to play through three seasons at the same time? I'm old and definitely not the fastest one but I love Destiny and been here since December 10th of 2014. Please let me earn and access some of my missed loot I've paid for/ability to access, in advance. (I can add that the latest crash was the second Laptop Havoc. Nr 1 was my 10 month old Acer Predator 500 and resulted in a three month+ unwilling game stop. Bought a Predator Helios 300, that lasted ca 14 month after being replaced as gaming device and being refunded by 'Laptop crash Nr 1. The Helios game stop lasted ca 7 month. Now after some mother-card's repair I'm "full steam ahead!", so far.😸) Please Bungie, have mercy and try to be nice to your elderly grandparents community. I'm an old grandma that try my best to fuel interrest for gaming into my grandchildren so I'm nice, ok!? Let us have fun together and support endurance and commitment, so don't be PETTY as f*ck! I want my XP Loot, ok!!? Best Regards, XO



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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