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Fableにより編集済み: 5/5/2024 11:14:51 PM

Forming A Clan To Make Genuine Friendship [Story] Alright look I'll spare you the "We are a set of players that do etc.." routine from the soulless cesspool clans -Long [Story] short I don't like how hollow and empty Destiny can be as an experience -I'm a guy who's played this game for far too long and simply wants to consistently play it in its best possible form... That is with people who elevate the experience and make it more than just crossing off a checklist as quickly as possible -When you join this clan you're joining a friend group. I can't emphasize just how much I don't want a disgruntled group of strangers as a clan -There's no content we are not interested in doing -Most of us are D1 Vets ( if that matters) -And as long as you want to commit to the clan we will commit to you -I don't consider age to be a direct sign of maturity so I don't have an age limit -I and the rest are adults and understand that we all have things outside of Destiny in our lives so don't feel pressured to play 11 hours a day or feel like you can't play other games -*I will have a personal sit down with every person that wants to join so we can get to know each other and break the ice* -Obviously be active, respectful, reasonable and other general good people things - Just don't exhibit any behavior that make us think "touch grass" If you made it this far I'm happy to have you, message me directly if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great one! Time Zone : Typically, US :Eastern Time But we can work with anytime zone Bungie Name: Fable#7408



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