Witchqueen legendary campaign rewards not showing up
Got back into destiny in season of the wish and just finished the witchqueen campaign on legendary difficulty. I did all missions on legendary and only got the emblem, not any of the armor or choice exotic. It took me 3 1/2 hours of work togetthroughit and really am hoping I don't have to do it again. PLEASE HELP ME IM LOSING MY MIND!
Hi there. Looking at your history, it seems you skipped the step requiring you complete The Lightblade strike, which happens between The Mirror and The Cunning missions. Was someone else in your fireteam the leader?
Check if you still have the Witch Queen campaign quest and if you do, follow the current step's instructions.
If you don't have it, open the Throne World map and at the bottom select the Legendary campaign node. Go through selecting each mission and look at the list of modifiers. If you see any mission with a red skull icon in the modifiers, that indicates it hasn't been registered as completed on legendary. In that case, complete the mission(s) on legendary and then visit Ikora.