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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/27/2024 4:25:28 AM

Do people not understand how to play onslaught?

I get not everyone will be super try hard in the mode, but I have completed 25 legend onslaughts. And I have noticed so many people do not use their heavy, do not clear ads fast, and make the whole activity so much slower. I get people want to try different builds, but when playing legend wouldn’t you want to use builds that actually clear ads fast. Given how easy it is to get max heavy, why in the world are you using a primary. When you get a heavy crate from a bonus objective, why are you not waiting for your teammates. And probably most importantly, WHY ARE YOU NOT KILLING ENEMIES IN THE ADU!! I have noticed so many people just shooting enemies with a primary letting 3-4 stay in the adu for so long! Most of the time I just have to shoot some gally shots at the adu because no one else seems to get rid of them. And while I am not entirely sure what triggers the bonus objectives, I do know you seem to get it pretty consistently if you clear ads fast, so I try to tell teammates to kill fast on waves 1,4, and 7 because those are the waves that can trigger the bonus objective. I notice that once again people just love using primaries, so I have to ask, why is it people seem to be so bad at this horde mode. I have used mostly ghallerhorn and xenophage to clear ads instantly and rarely run out of ammo, please use your heavy ammo and actually pay attention to the adu especially on legend!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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