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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/23/2024 8:07:22 PM

You need to fix this immediately.

The level 50 portal (specially than one) will quite often just... not spawn. You fix the all the glitches, can't dupe batteries. Can't glitch out for boss, cool. Clearly fixing bugs is a priority.... But the tradeoff is that you literally can't go fight the boss?!!?!! Bungie, that is the most frustrating way to lose a run. You can't increase the incentive to have people run 50 waves, and on the same day crap the bed like that. That needs to be fixed, most of my clan has already experienced it. I'm already seeing reddit posts about it. This was clearly not a difficult bug to find. Nor is it rare. Totally unacceptable.
#destiny2 #bug



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