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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/22/2024 7:52:04 PM

Controverse Holds Still Viable??

Pulled it from my collections because I can't get a good roll to drop, I can still rock 100 resilience and 100 discipline with my current gear, but the collection roll is only like 50 stats or less. Regardless of anything, I'm trying it out in Onslaught and it's really fun to use, it was nerfed HARD, doesn't surprise me. But I can still get some insane grenade regeneration, and the grenades when used with chaos accelerant (vortex) do some insane damage with the weakening fragment (-20 discipline). I also understand Briarbinds exists BUT it's very hard to use, and a massive risk in end game to 'collect' your void soul. I personally HATE them. Controverse holds are just superior, despite the nerf. It gives you 100% uptime with devour meaning you pretty much never die, the weakening effect with the fragments make it so mobs, champions are.... Well.. weakened lol. You can clear waves of ads, and do some insane boss DPS, I pair with cataclysm so the super does some immense damage + 2 stacks of ashes to assets, you can get your super back in less than 2 minutes maybe less. Infinite grenades, infinite supers, weaken, devour, healing. I genuinely love void lock. Sorry Briarbinds, but I'm not going to collect you when I'm surrounded by 100 enemies. As for exotics, I use Witherhoard since it's great for devour/ad clear, paired with my recluse with repulsor brace + destabilizing rounds so any weaken you get an overshield and constant volatile rounds. People think of nerfs as 'I 'll never use it again'. And use something else. Starfire was nerfed into the ground but still amazing. Maybe I'm overreacting and maybe in a GM I'll get destroyed but currently I feel it's still as strong as pre nerf.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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