Hey Guardians,
I am a 10 year Destiny Vet. I have played all expansions. I like going solo flawless in Trials. I like playing Master Raids. I like earning titles. Hunter main but play all 3 Classes. I have Conqueror Gilded 8 times. I have Swordbearer, Descendant, Fatebreaker, Dream Warrior Raid titles. I am always down to farm anything. I have all exotics and catalysts. I have all craftable weapons. I can play a support role, DPS role or sherpa some content. I am 1 challenge away from getting Paragon. Normally I am a forever 10.
I think I would be a great addition to a clan. I am looking to run with a group in Pantheon for the GodSlayer title and a day one raid for TFS.
But after TFS I am going to hang up my cowl. I would like this next year to make some memories and have fun doing it.
Also, I am 42, married with a kid. So I am know I am the meme. A dad of Destiny. So I would prefer running with those kinds of Guardians if possible.
Let's run some stuff.
Are you looking for an end game clan? We are Redux Gaming Community a chill end game clan mainly on PSN, but also accepting Xbox and PC players. We are looking for new end game players to join us.
What we offer as a clan...
A clan that will play the entire season and chase seals
A very active clan that plays with it's clan members
A very active social discord server.
A clan that will help with endgame content. Weather it be dungeons, raids, raid challenges, GM's, Comp or Trials
What we are looking for in new clan members
*Players that will be...
Active in game
players that will socialize on discord (you know, get to know your clan members)
players that will play with other clan members
players that attempt to get seasonal, dungeon, raid or crucible seals
players that are 21 years of age or older
players that have the most recent content
We are not only hunting seals, but also enjoy helping others get their first raid clear or first PVP seal.
Members that live on one of these time zones Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific (time zones can make it difficult to play with clan members). If all these sounds like something you would like to be a part of then Check us out at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=1877171
*Must be active on Discord. If you do not plan on using discord please do not request to join. It is where we socialize and set up activities.
Keep an eye out on your bungie messages if you request to join.