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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/7/2024 11:21:57 AM

Sony Wants You to Buy an Xbox

When Destiny 2 first released it was a game you had to buy. Because of that the game required ps plus or Xbox live gold depending on what console you were playing on. Eventually the base game would become free to download with only the DLCs and seasonal passes requiring a purchase. Every single free to play game except Destiny 2 does not require ps plus. Even past p2p games that went f2p which did require it at one time in the past no longer require it except Destiny 2. Sony states that games that can be purchased for free do not require ps plus in order to play the game’s online multiplayer. Overtime Microsoft would eventually remove the Xbox live gold requirement in order to utilize destiny 2’s multiplayer activities. However Sony has yet to remove the ps plus requirement in order to utilize the same features the players on their competitor’s console are able to access for free. Sony acquired Bungie the creators of Destiny 2 a while back so why is it that players who play on their competitor’s console can access these features for free while players who play on their console have to pay. It’s as if Sony is saying, “If you want to play our game completely free of charge then buy an Xbox” I know some of you might reply with, “you can’t afford a ps plus subscription?” This isn’t about being able to afford a ps plus subscription. This is about fairness to all players. It’s also about Sony keeping their word when it comes to f2p games not requiring ps plus. Something Sony has not kept their word on.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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