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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
TheLastNerfにより編集済み: 2/4/2024 8:31:37 AM

Sturm Buffs / Changes

[u]Accomplice[/u]: [i]Kills reload all stowed weapons and grant energy weapons improved charge time, fire rate, accuracy, and range for a short duration. Kills with Drang while Accomplice is active generate Orbs of Power and create disorienting elemental explosions.[/i] [u]Storm And Sress[/u]: [i]Kills with other weapons refill the magazine and load up to 30 Overcharged Rounds. Overcharged Rounds have higher range and accuracy and deal significantly increased damage.[/i] - [b]Values[/b]: • Energy weapons gain +30% fire rate / charge time, -5% accuracy cone growth, and +15 range for 8s after landing a kill with Sturm • Kills with Drang with Accomplice active creates 5m disorienting Solar blasts •Overcharged rounds reduced to 30 from 99   • Overcharge PvE damage changed from +262% to +865% • Primary weapons and Glaive melee kills grant 1 overcharged round • Special weapons and Machine Guns kills and grant 2x • All other Heavy weapons and Drang kills grant 3x



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