• Sustained damage disrupts targets, strong against Overload Champions
• [Heavy Attack] To launch a short ranged blink attack
• Sprinting builds charges of Tesseract, which increase the range and damage of your next Heavy Attack
• With high charge value (3-4), performing a heavy attack creates a trail of Jolting Lightning Strikes in your wake
[u]Amplified Blade[/u] [i](changed from Assassin's Blade)[/i]:
• Rapidly striking targets grants Amplified.
• Wielding this weapon while Amplified grants increased movement speed, swing speed, and damage resistance
[u]Blade Unbound[/u] [i](replaces Tireless Blade)[/i]:
• Refunds Sword energy when it is entirely expended, based on the number of strikes landed
[u]Another Dimension[/u] (catalyst):
• +20 Impact
• Tesseract charges build faster
• While Amplified, striking targets will occasionally jolt them, with charged heavy attacks applying a more powerful Jolt explosion
- removed uppercut attack, replaced with blink attack
- 4m default lunge distance
- can be activated during slide
- sprinting for 1.4s grants one charge of Tesseract
- +18% damage and +4m additional lunge range per stack, max of 4 charges
-charges do not degrade when sprinting ceases
- landing 6 light attacks or a Tesseract blink with 2 or more charges grants Amplified
- +12% movement speed, +40 swing speed, and 60% damage resistance from targets within 20m range when Amplified
- returns up to 50% energy (ammo) when reserves are fully depleted
- jolts every 3 light attacks or 1 heavy attack (3s cooldown)
- Tesseract now charges 1 stack every 0.7s while sprinting