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1/9/2024 9:13:42 PM

Unable to preview shaders on armour ornaments in the shop. Refunds.

Hello, I recently made a purchase of the PHENOTYPE PLASTICITY HUNTER BUNDLE armour ornament set from the Undying season. I found this set of ornaments quite lovely, but before buying it I couldn't see how the armour would look in a certain shader. I bought it, but when I started to try different shaders I noticed that the colour of the stripes and the "reactor" in the breastplate does not change (remains the same white as Vex milk). Unfortunately, I did not really like this situation. Now I would like to go straight to the main thing: 1) Is there an option to return an item if I have unpacked it and the silver has already been deducted from my account? Yes, I understand that there is an option to refund an item before opening it, but again, I had absolutely zero chance of knowing what the armour would look like with a certain shader. It would be great if you could help with this problem if possible. The item was purchased literally about 10-20 minutes ago. 2) This is not a question, but a suggestion. It would be great if in the game added the ability to make a preview of armour in a particular shader, otherwise, unfortunately, one has to make a purchase blindly. Please consider this idea. Thank you for your time!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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