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.-.により編集済み: 12/17/2023 9:46:55 PM

Cross Save and account linking problem

Issue: So, first, I logged into Bungie with my Steam account. After that, I went to the Cross-Save page, connected and verified my Steam and Epic accounts. Subsequently, I activated Cross-Save for my Steam account. Later, when I wanted to deactivate it, I clicked on the "Deactivate" button. Following this, a message appeared, instructing me to re-verify my Epic account, which I had already verified, to confirm that the account truly belongs to me. I then clicked on "Authenticate," and encountered this error: "Authentication Error. The account you attempted to verify is not linked to your currently logged-in account. Please try again with your linked account for this platform." Following the error message, I exited my Bungie account, which was linked to Steam, created a new one, but this time with Epic. Next, I returned to Cross-Save; this time, my Epic account, not my Steam account, was linked. When I clicked on "Connect Steam Account," it displayed the same error message. In my settings, it actually indicates that both my Epic and Steam accounts are linked to the Bungie account. When I try it on my mobile, it works to disconnect the Cross-Save link and authenticate, but then it prompts me to enter my Steam username to confirm. When I attempt this, the input doesn't work (meaning I can't type anything). so how can i solve this Problem?



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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