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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
11/30/2023 10:16:54 PM

Trouble Claiming Season of the Witch Season Pass Rewards

Greetings, fellow Guardians! Happy new season to everyone! [i]Hopefully[/i], by June at least our [b]main[/b] Wishes will be fulfilled. But that topic's a whole other [i]``tomatter''[/i]. As for [b]this[/b] topic, first of all, fret not: I actually [i]did[/i] my due diligence, having searched for posts similar to this, thinking—nay, even *hoping*—perhaps, that some other poor soul has had (and [i]solved[/i]) the issue I describe below. But alas, I failed to locate anything relevant despite thoroughly searching both the forums and DuckDuckGo. Indeed, though it shames me to say it, in the throes of desperation I even sunk to searching.../shudder...Shmoo—er, Google. But enough incoherent blabbering. The "meat" of the matter is this: I can't seem to claim any of the [i]Season Pass[/i] rewards from Season of the [u]Witch[/u]. I [i]did[/i] spend several weeks playing during it, although as I returning player I began playing again less than a month and a half ago. I also bought the season pass before [i]Witch[/i] ended, as I have Lightfall Deluxe Edition and every other DLC nearly ever released for D2, and was claiming rewards when the last season was [b]active[/b]. Despite being a [i]semi[/i]-veteran who's played on and off for several years, it never occurred to me to even [b]attempt[/b] to claim any season pass rewards from a previous season until reading the outstanding article by Aakash Regmi that I linked above, which claims it is quite possible to do so. I even installed the suggested Firefox [i]and[/i] Chrome extensions, thinking perhaps that it was a browser issue, but no joy. When I go to the page ( it describes, it certainly does display the season pass rewards queue for Season of the Witch, but it won't allow me to claim anything, even the exotic (which the article and browser extension's author both claim is claimable, even if nothing else is). Instead, upon clicking on [b]any[/b] of the listed rewards—those I claimed already and those I haven't yet—it merely shows a small popup window describing the contents of the reward. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I keep thinking I [i]can't[/i] be the only one who's experienced this problem. Am I doing something wrong or is Mr./Ms. Regmi mistaken in their claims, or have I simply been touched by the [i]Darkness[/i] and am out of reach of the Traveler?! One of those [b]must[/b] be the case, surely! Anyway, hope everyone is having at least a better day than mine hehe. Happy hunting and thanks in advance for any help. =) o7



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Hi there. In Season of the Witch you reached rank 35, so you will only be able to claim items you haven't claimed up to that rank from the season pass page. Items flashing with no checkmark indicate they have not yet been claimed. Looking through your Collections, I see that you already have the seasonal exotic, Ex Diris. Bungie does not offer support for third party plug-ins. For your awareness though, you've participated in 5 seasons total, including this season. Seasons you didn't play the game your rank would be 0.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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