…Shiver Strike Is Still Terrible (PvE), And Other Issues
Perhaps it wasn’t in the seasonal budget, but I would like to mention the fact that the shiver strike buffs will do [u]nothing[/u] to pull it from the depths of uselessness in PvE. It will remain among the worst PvE melee abilities in the game—if not THE worst—with pitiful damage, pitiful utility, and an excruciating cooldown time. Nerfing hammers and banner of war? Fine. But you have not come even CLOSE to convincing me to switch off solar or strand titan for something like stasis titan. Please have considered this issue by the time TFS rolls out, either by buffing the crap out of it or introducing an alt melee (diamond lance melee would be neat, idk).
While I’m here, I also want to mention that the patch notes did not mention a fix to the shiver strike cooldown in glacial quake; in glacial quake, your light attack is tied to a scaled-up version of the shiver strike cooldown instead of being an infinite-recharge light attack with a static animation duration like in other roaming supers (shoulder charge in Fists of Havoc, frenzied blade in Bladefury, etc.). The downside of this relationship is that, when there are ability scalar modifiers (mayhem, checkmate, etc.), it screws up the super’s performance. In mayhem, you can spam glacial quake’s light attack WAY too fast. In checkmate, glacial quake’s light attack is SEVERELY slower to charge and really hinders its performance. For consistency’s sake, please consider changing glacial quake’s behavior to be more like other light attacks in other roaming supers.