Looking for a friendly clan for kinda a new player
Hey looking for a friendly clan dont like raids because of toxic players so did try a raid but yeah would like to but toxic players put me off doing raids but would like to join a clan that needs players for vanguard and maybe gambit (not good with pvp with my builds) not very active cause of work but will do my best to be online
The Great -blam!- Recruiting - Social - Active - Skilled
The Great -blam!- (Tgr8T) https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4315471
Active clan looking for 21+ new or veteran Destiny players. We are a social clan and want members that interact in VC. Joining our discord server is required.
Click here to join clan - https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4315471
Clan Discord - https://discord.gg/jpFXRFs