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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
10/11/2023 11:46:24 AM

Can Voidwalker Warlocks get another version of Pocket Singularity that deals more damage?

I am really confused why Pocket Singularity from Voidwalker Warlocks deals only 60 damage in Iron Banner to a player, when most other classes deal around 100 damage with their charged Melees. Think about it, the base Melee for all classes deals roughly 100 damage too. Pocket Singularity is in damage INFERIOR by 40% compared to your uncharged melee. You can't even 2-tap a player in PvP with a charged Singularity and base melee. That's pretty dumb considering the only useful traits Pocket singularity has is the knockback and the volatile debuff, which you have to rely on to get a kill after throwing it in melee combat. Every other class? Hit the enemy twice (charged, then regular melee). Voidwalker? Hit the enemy twice AND PRAY YOUR VOLATILE GOES OFF! It feels so RNG at times. No wonder why so many Warlocks prefer Strand, Stasis and Dawnblade. With a poop melee like that I wouldn't want to play regularly PvP either.



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