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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
9/22/2023 6:36:20 PM

Please consider adding this to Phoenix Cradle

Phoenix Cradle has to be one of the best exotics to titans... IF it had better sunspot utility. Over the years I've found myself time and time again being excited to use them as potential team support utility, always reminded that sunpots aren't something that can be spawned conveniently at all and sunspots dont have any visual indication to other players that they are beneficial to run to, I have to yell at my team mates to use them. My suggestions: Please add additional utility with these boots equipped to spawn a sunspot on demand. perhaps using a powered melee on a team mate drains a partial amount of melee energy in exchange for a sunpot at their feet and/or a way to spend a partial amount of super energy for one at your own feet. The former would likely make more sense since it requires a fireteam member to activate and keeps the sad sad state of Loreley's Splendor from getting any worse with total replacement. 2nd suggestion: some sort of visual indication for teammates that makes sunpots noticeable as a benefit for them, similar to the arc soul graphical indication for arc warlocks and their rifts or just a color change? Titans will thank you, Warlocks relieved they can maybe run something other than Well when Resto x1 is enough, the only change being sunpots that don't require a kill and hopeless attempts rallying everyone to inconvenient points of the battle area to use them.



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