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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
Ghostfire239により編集済み: 7/17/2023 9:30:03 AM

Thorn users in PvP, I have some questions for you.

Is it normal to rarely get a chance to use the Soul Devour buff in PvP? I like this weapon, it’s been my favourite Handcannon since Vanilla D1. However I can’t seem to get a chance to ever use the Soul Devour buff consistently. Every time I get to actually use it, it feels like I just got super lucky. Most of the time, I’ll get a kill only for other opponents to be standing right next to the Remnant (or have direct line of sight on it), preventing me from picking it up. By the the I kill them all and pick up the remnants there are no enemies to use the buff on. Sometimes I try standing as close to remants as I can but you need to be so close that it puts you in danger (not to mention they move so damn slow). Is this normal problem? Any advice?



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