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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
6/4/2023 9:53:35 AM

Solar Warlock Subclass - New Super Archetype Idea

Hello! I want to discuss the intent behind this post before diving in... I think that the Solar Warlock Subclass has exist in a state where Well of Radiance is an expectation rather than an option. This has been the case for quite some time now. As someone that played Warlock for much of my time in Destiny, this feeling is what made me stop playing Warlock. --- Discussion --- When Solar 3.0 was released, Daybreak was simplified to fill an all-around niche for that super archetype. I think at the time this was the right call due to the overall focus of how solar archetypes were intended to work (scorch, ignitions, radiant, cure, and restoration). Plus having two super archetype's that were essentially "sling sword fire while flying", didn't really make all that much sense (I am simplifying this because I know that it did more than just sling fire) My point is, that when it was reduced it focused on the two remaing super archetype's having unique identities featuring 2 of the 5 status buff/debuffs of Solar 3.0. Daybreak - Scorch & Ignition || Well - Radiant & Restoration. These two playstyles are different from one another and allow the player to fulfill two separate roles. Well... That was the thought... Until players discovered that running Well of Radiance was just infinitely superior in most scenarios (PVP included). So now we have an issue where the player feels shoehorned into playing a certain way in order to clear some of the more prolific content. --- Suggestion/Idea --- Much like the Void super archetype's, I think Warlocks would benefit from a 3rd option of playstyle. Since the Solar Subclass focuses on the overwhelming force that is the sun, why not just go down that path and allow us to harness that power. Much like we harness the power of void, allow us create a Sun (much like arc/void buddies... just much bigger). This would be a subclass that exists in-between Daybreak's hyper-mobility and Well of Radiance's static nature. My vision would be to allow us to carry around this sun above our heads that would scorch nearby targets until ignited, while also allowing those within the sun's reach to be radiant. This would satisfy the nature of an in-between class utilizing both playstyles of each subclass. Since Well would still beat out the overall healing of any super in the game, we could safely add a cure burst, via aspect, on an enemy solar kill without compromising the other archetypes. Again, the goal of this is to exist in between, without overshadowing, the identity of the other super archetype's. Focusing on the major problem with Well being need for most endgagme content, I believe this will allow the player with some much needed flexibility. Think of mechanics in raids where you have to move plates, the bosses is close enough to scortch but moves, or encounters where you are moving between different rooms. --- Conclusion --- I honestly am not sure what the overall plans are for Solar Warlock... Do they nerf Well... Do they buff Daybreak... Honestly, I don't think either option would satisfy the problem. The focus should be on allowing more flexibility and balancing out the subclass. As a player, feeling like I am forced into playing Well of Radiance is not a great feeling and it feels unblanced. I truly hope that we do get some sort of third option, even if it is not along the lines of this, that allows us to have a new unique enough super archetype to give us a reason to choose again. If you guys are feeling the same way let me know what you think! Are there other ideas you have had? I don't think there is a one shoe fits all solution, but I do think it starts with a 3rd super archetype.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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