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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
5/24/2023 3:31:02 AM

Why has difficult content spiked to the point of being completely unenjoyable

I used to love legendary lost sectors. It always provided an adequate challenge and was one of the funnest farming spots. Learning every one of them so I could expand my exotics and get good rolls. I understand Veles Labyrinth getting harder because it was so quick. But now, I cant even hope to get new exotics added every season on day one. It's dang near impossible, and egregiously and cheaply hard. I dont understand why there was a switch in the understanding of difficulty. Why is difficulty now being defined as incredibly frustrating content. It's not a challenge, it straight ruins my gaming experience. I'm putting the game down more and more because it just leaves me with a pounding headache and pissed off. For context, my favorite build is a titan berserker with strongholds and lament. This is effective in a lot of content, unless my combatants are flying, then I need to change course and try something else, I understand this. But why am I getting deleted by Champs when im 1808, they're 1830, but I've played at this deficit before and it has NEVER been this ridiculous. I've never been more powerful, even with this stronghold buff, and yet I feel like an absolute CHUMP against this crap. Through massive sword guard DR, woven mail, restoration 2x you're telling me it doesn't matter AT ALL? Nonsense. I'm getting one shot and they aren't even using the threat element on me. I pay good money to enjoy all this content every year, and this is my very first post because I'm so dang frustrated. I've been playing for literal years, learning, hitting my head, and adapting. I'm proficient in all classes on multiple builds, I learn mechanics well. I'd like to say I've earned my stripes if I can be so bold. But every time I load up this difficult content and get capped at lower levels after all that hard work, and get forced to feel like an absolute idiot for ever buying the full year's worth of content. I'm sure there will some out there that will point out flaws in my playstyle and that I need to be 1815 to have ANY degree of success. I can't even imagine what master lost sectors feel like. Maybe I just need to form more wrinkles in my brain or something but even going slow and steady doesn't make a difference. It doesn't feel GOOD, I dont feel like I GET IT when I finally succeed at earning my TWO CORES on completion. All I feel is when I finally get my new exotics for the season is that the torture is finally over. This season I can't even get them. I dont even want to try anymore. I'm at the point that I don't care that I wasted my money for the rest of the year because it is NOT WORTH THE HEADACHES. First post ever because I'm complaining and dissappointed that I'm staring at shelfing this game because I guess there are top 1% players beating the everloving crap out of content that they are the only players worth catering to with difficulty spikes. Like things SHOULD be easy for them, they've been labbing this stuff for ages and excelling at playing Destiny. And now it punishes the rest of us just trying to have a fun experience. Not even soulsborne games go this far, another series I favor and play a lot of, that's saying something. I'm used to frustrating difficulty, and this right here is JUST TOO MUCH. It would be nice to go back a few years ago when we didn't even have resilience buffing DR, and we all were having a blast still. And it felt good to succeed and triumph. Whatever I'm sure this is a me problem. And that's the takeaway from this. I'm just no good at this game anymore. All this effort and toil going in to make this game accessible and far reaching, only to completely fumble it and miss it by a long shot. I dont even know if you can make up your mind anymore Bungie. I'm getting left in the dust and I'm not the only one. Enjoy my money, that was MY mistake anyways.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • having just returned to the game a few months ago, my main take away regarding legendary content is it is all balanced in the least fun ways imaginable. kiting around multiple tormentors for 10 minutes straight isn't fun, period. it's a chore the first time you encounter it and every time afterward.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • Because 'difficulty' at least what passes for that at Bungie (stupidest fake difficulty imaginable), is super easy to program, requires zero imagination, and extends playtime in any area, thus making the 'game' [i]seem[/i] longer. Bungie is just making cheap crap to sell customers they do not respect. Because they think we will just keep buying it no-matter how boring and lifeless it gets.



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

  • [quote]I used to love legendary lost sectors. It always provided an adequate challenge and was one of the funnest farming spots. Learning every one of them so I could expand my exotics and get good rolls. I understand Veles Labyrinth getting harder because it was so quick. But now, I cant even hope to get new exotics added every season on day one. It's dang near impossible, and egregiously and cheaply hard. I dont understand why there was a switch in the understanding of difficulty. Why is difficulty now being defined as incredibly frustrating content. It's not a challenge, it straight ruins my gaming experience. I'm putting the game down more and more because it just leaves me with a pounding headache and pissed off. For context, my favorite build is a titan berserker with strongholds and lament. This is effective in a lot of content, unless my combatants are flying, then I need to change course and try something else, I understand this. But why am I getting deleted by Champs when im 1808, they're 1830, but I've played at this deficit before and it has NEVER been this ridiculous. I've never been more powerful, even with this stronghold buff, and yet I feel like an absolute CHUMP against this crap. Through massive sword guard DR, woven mail, restoration 2x you're telling me it doesn't matter AT ALL? Nonsense. I'm getting one shot and they aren't even using the threat element on me. I pay good money to enjoy all this content every year, and this is my very first post because I'm so dang frustrated. I've been playing for literal years, learning, hitting my head, and adapting. I'm proficient in all classes on multiple builds, I learn mechanics well. I'd like to say I've earned my stripes if I can be so bold. But every time I load up this difficult content and get capped at lower levels after all that hard work, and get forced to feel like an absolute idiot for ever buying the full year's worth of content. I'm sure there will some out there that will point out flaws in my playstyle and that I need to be 1815 to have ANY degree of success. I can't even imagine what master lost sectors feel like. Maybe I just need to form more wrinkles in my brain or something but even going slow and steady doesn't make a difference. It doesn't feel GOOD, I dont feel like I GET IT when I finally succeed at earning my TWO CORES on completion. All I feel is when I finally get my new exotics for the season is that the torture is finally over. This season I can't even get them. I dont even want to try anymore. I'm at the point that I don't care that I wasted my money for the rest of the year because it is NOT WORTH THE HEADACHES. First post ever because I'm complaining and dissappointed that I'm staring at shelfing this game because I guess there are top 1% players beating the everloving crap out of content that they are the only players worth catering to with difficulty spikes. Like things SHOULD be easy for them, they've been labbing this stuff for ages and excelling at playing Destiny. And now it punishes the rest of us just trying to have a fun experience. Not even soulsborne games go this far, another series I favor and play a lot of, that's saying something. I'm used to frustrating difficulty, and this right here is JUST TOO MUCH. It would be nice to go back a few years ago when we didn't even have resilience buffing DR, and we all were having a blast still. And it felt good to succeed and triumph. Whatever I'm sure this is a me problem. And that's the takeaway from this. I'm just no good at this game anymore. All this effort and toil going in to make this game accessible and far reaching, only to completely fumble it and miss it by a long shot. I dont even know if you can make up your mind anymore Bungie. I'm getting left in the dust and I'm not the only one. Enjoy my money, that was MY mistake anyways.[/quote] Level up first then



    マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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