Bungie, I have suffered too long in the Mars Heist GM. I can scarcely believe this is the nerfed version. Even with all the unintended cheese in the world, the LFGs just cannot do it. The final boss encounter, 30 minutes into the strike, is way too good at denying clears. Why does a Barrier and Unstoppable have to camp the arc ball dunk point? Why do adds have to continuously spawn in to eternity? Why in the Traveler's good name is the aggressive, invulnerable melee boss a one-hit killer? You may keep [b]one[/b], Bungie.
If you want Grandmasters to be this punishing, make it short and sweet so you can quickly iterate upon the challenge if you fail. If you want a long time commitment, let Master Raids and Dungeons do their thing! If you want parity with Trials of Osiris... no, no you don't. Dear God, I pray that you are not using Trials of Osiris Flawless as the benchmark for Grandmasters. Trials is not in an acceptable state, and beyond that, Trials is [i]quickly[/i] iterated upon if you fail to protect your Flawless status. Each match is around ten minutes or less. In a Grandmaster, a single failure sets you back 30-40 minutes and cuts your streak reputation reward.
Scaling down enemy health does nothing to the enemy density, enemy area control, lack of cover, and oppressive punishment for failure that is the Mars Heist GM. Grandmasters were in an acceptable (if iffy on a per-strike basis) state. I understand catering to the hardcore crowd, but they are a tiny portion of the community and giving "difficulty" to them oppresses the rest of the community. Let them whine and complain that Destiny is too easy, there are other games they can play with the challenge they are looking for. Or better yet, they can pull an Esoterick and give themselves special challenges to complete! GMs like the Mars Heist and the updated Lake of Shadows are smothering the fun of strikes.
This is not difficulty. This isn't fun. This isn't a challenge to rise up and meet. It is an obstacle: to avoid, to dread, to disparage. This is punishment. You want the community to farm this, rinsing and repeating the activity again and again, when stepping a toe out of place wipes the entire team and wastes a sizable amount of time. As a development team, do you understand why that is a problem? That pulling teeth is not healthy difficulty? You are not fostering dedication, you are breeding exhaustion in your players.
So congratulations Bungie. You made your challenging strikes, and proved you learned nothing from Glassway and Proving Grounds. You've sanctified the Grandmaster loot as you desired, consecrated with tears. You have made half the Grandmaster strikes something to avoid, putrid with the same stench as Trials of Osiris. I expect better from you Bungie, because you have shown me what better is. I know you can do better. And I hope it doesn't take an entire year for you to address this.
You made some cool loot, Bungie. Shame the community can't achieve obtaining it. But that's what you wanted, isn't it?
Bungie has been struggling with scaling up difficulty in this game for quite a bit of time. I really don’t think they should even have levels of difficulty anymore. Just normal and stupid hard, anything in between just isn’t worth playing because it’s a mix of BS and unfun or not challenging enough.
This mars GM will be one of the most fun when Eyes of Tomorrow gets its buff. Eyes is one of my fave heavies and really shines in this GM, particularly the capture the towers sections. But yeah, for the boss room there is really no need to push beyond the set of steps where the console is. Just strafe either side, using the pillars in each corner for cover. Team shoot the arc knights that push up, otherwise all adds can be pretty much ignored. One invis Hunter to do dunks and you’re set.
It's because the GM loadout variety, is always, invis hunter, wellocks. Most of the time now, but now strand here and there.
SynK Deagleにより編集済み: 5/2/2023 2:59:01 PMI only read the first paragraph sorry but it seemed to be the theme of the post so I didn’t bother reading further. Strand makes it light work and if they didn’t have never ending waves of enemies I think the final boss room would be fine. There’s plenty of strikes where there isn’t infinite spawning enemies during the final boss room so idk why they thought it would be a good idea for this one. And I mean it does make sense the big axe wielding boss would one shot. I also got all of my gms done with Randoms not everyone is bad. I thought I was going to fail mars but we clutched up
I agree with some of your early points re: Mars Heist GM and it's boss room, but you lose me in the rest when the melodrama is just [b]WAY[/b] too much. And saying the community can't obtain the loot...is flatly wrong. If you're having trouble obtaining it, say that. If you're not, great, but don't try and speak for the community when plenty of people are still completing them. I get it. The game got harder and a bunch of people got mad about it because, as nicely as I can put it, it's not the same level of game they're used to, but the solution is not "change it back and make them upset instead of me." Not gonna shout GET BETTER at your face or anything but you gotta land in a better spot than "Let them whine and complain that Destiny is too easy, there are other games they can play with the challenge they are looking for." because we can just as eaily spin that around and say "let the bad players whine and complain destiny is too hard. There are other games they can play that don't require much skill and will provide the easy experience they are looking for."
I first tried the Mars GM with a LFG group. It doesn't compare to older strikes at their peak. Proving Grounds was harder when it was initially introduced. Haven't done Light Blade since I was away when it was relevant but I've also heard it's harder.
xbroggiexにより編集済み: 5/2/2023 4:45:39 AMNone of the Grandmasters are challenging as its just remembering spawn conditions and curating loadout to enemy types and resistances to w/e the most common elements are. Grandmaster NF's should take no longer than 15-25 minutes at most, the fact there is lots of just filler crap to pad out the strike time is obnoxious just look at the meatball in Lake of Shadows or the Ultra Tormentor in Hypernet where it feels like most of your time in the strike is spent just chipping away. Rewards are also not good enough for time invested as well, builds are too heavily limited due to power disadvantage amount and modifiers. Warlocks are just Stasis Turret spam or Wellbots + Starfire. Titans just spam Overshields or Suspends now and Hunters just sit in the corner and stealth because their other subclasses can't really get any use because of the bad design. Heist Battleground isn't hard its just tediously sleep inducing, its not a curated well thought out and designed strike its just a seasonal activity they shoved into there because "Uhh... why not, they're kinda like strikes aren't they?"
So... you selected the hardest end game strike content Bungie has to offer and are complaining that it's hard? So, instead of spending the time to actually learn how the strike works, you just came to the forums to ask for them to be nerfed because you didn't beat it? I mean, you didn't even bother clearing it on master to learn how the spawns work, and just expect to have the W handed to you?