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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/30/2023 1:52:15 PM

Deflecting/Blocking Arc Staff is 100% bugged.

No, not clickbait, I think the Arc Staff is bugged. I'm talking about PvP here, btw. I'm talking about my "recent" games for this season and all the seasons after witch queen (but even before that). So the points i will describe are of "recent" season and to add I'm talking mainly 6v6 activities, I had these problems less in trials. As someone who has been going with the way of the arc staff for pretty much his whole PvP experience, I would say I have some valid points, but I let that for you to decide. 1. While deflecting, I get misadventured, but the person that has been shooting me still gets the kill. My take on this is that the bullets get blocked by the arc staff, they get bounced inside it and then hits me, killing me calculating it as misadventure, but the person still gets the kill. Shouldn't be possible tbh Bungie.. Now, I can see people telling me "oooooh, it doesn't happen to me, or, well you were low HP anyway, so it doesn't matter". Ofc it matters, even with low HP you can clutch a 1v2 if you're good enough and Misadventure shouldn't be a thing in PvP, unless you shot yourself with your rocket launcher, which, happens. 2. The blocking/deflecting is not working correctly on other supers (not on all). I noticed that Thundercrash and Novabomb are a hit or miss. NOW BEFORE you go into the comments and say "well if they hit it on the ground ofc you die" wow, you don't say? I'm talking about when they straight up hit you, midair. I had different situation where I hold the deflect/block button and none of them gets actually blocked/deflected (Thundercrash = Block, Nova = Deflect), I'm aware that Thundercrash has the aftershocks, but it's not that, I die by the Impact which shouldn't happen and the same goes with Novabombs. Most Warlocks use the Cataclysmic one, so slow travel which gives enough time to deflect you would say, well, if the game would actually work the way it should... 3. I had been several times when an enemy guardian meleed me out of my super. How, the heck, is that normal? I can already hear some of you go "well it's a melee and even if you block it hits you and does damage". Okay, then I go further. If 2 arc staffs meet each other, one blocks and the other attacks. What happens? The attacking one gets blocked, if a nightstalker attacks a deflecting arc staff, the nightstalker gets blocked. Thundercrash which is kind of a melee super, gets?? Blocked. How is it that a melee attack, which is kinda the same as those supers, goes through the spinning arc staff? 4. This is more of my personal point, and I know some of you -blam!- this will go "yeah but titan supers, yeah but warlock supers as well, etc. etc." Take this more of my point than something I WANT to be changed. I think that arc staff is weak, compared to other supers. Hear me out, ofc if you do the spin you can block/deflect. But if you don't and just go for the 1v1 clicking button to attack, most super one shot the arcstaff or overall need less attacks (dawnblade is a 1 hit, yeyeye burn, fist of havoc is 2 shot while arcstaff needs 3 against fists). Well, this is what I wanted to write down. I'm sure that arc staff probably isn't the only Super that has some form of bugs. I describe this super because it is the super I love and want to use in PvP activities. Agreeing or disagreeing on what I'm saying here, I'll be happy to read your takes on it, Have fun out there Guardians, and stay safe!



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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