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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
4/15/2023 10:36:44 AM

How to make Stormcaller more fun and better

I thought about how to make Stormcaller more interesting and more usefull/stronger in PvE. Probably nobody will read this especially no one from bungie :( but I thought I give it a try. 1.Make the Chaosreach Super a precision super (with possibly a thinner beam visually?) It does the dmg it does rn but if you crit, you get the precision multiplier. This would make it the first precision super on warlock which on its own would already be great and gives people are reason to run the subclass/super since it would actually do a good amount of damage without being too easy to achieve. Would also be an indirect buff to geomags which are lacking while at the same time neither the exotic nor the super would get any buff that disturbs the pvp balance. 2. Not that important but you could let the super dmg count as jolt and therefore be usable against overload champions since right now the super dmg takes to long/is too low to kill a champion on its own, since you have to use a weapon to stun it for example and then activate super. You will be stuck in the super while the champ stun goes away. 3. Either give them an aspect or change getaway artist (exotic gloves) so that either gives the ability to turn your grenade into an arc turret which behave similar to stasis turrets. Those turrets could benefit from jolt on grenades for pve. The dmg changes to arc souls have been nice but they arent that great on high end content to justify running arc warlock over any other warlock subclass. Having a turret and an arc soul could make up for that while not completely breaking pvp with the right pvp damage values.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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