I was incredibly excited to finally get my Ammit AR2 to level 30 so I could equip the Keepsake shader, but upon doing so, the game no longer recognizes that I have a memento equipped. I'm a Playstation player so please excuse the pretty poor screenshots. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I'm nervous that unequipping the memento will lose it forever and there doesn't seem to be any way to contact Bungie about the issue. Any advice on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated - just want my gun to be golden.
See Screenshots Here:
Gun w/ Gambit Memento
Level 30 Gun Not Allowing Memento:
Edit: Problem Resolved
Thats the wrong shader you're trying to equip.
Gleaming keepsake requires the trials memento
You have on the gambit memento - so you can only equip the scaly keepsake one (2 to the right of the gleaming one)