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Destiny 2

Destiny 2 について話し合おう
3/30/2023 5:32:51 PM

The "God Roll' mania

Do you ever feel angry that you can't get a God Roll on the weapons you're using? Here's why you might want to step back and take a critical look at the whole God Roll notion. I have a TON of weapons, many with what influencers consider God Rolls. The truth is these magic perk combos don't make anywhere near the difference that they are made out to have. Sure they can add a bit more edge but what is really important is whether the base weapon itself is good, and that depends on the weapon's inherent stats and if Bungie has shifted the sandbox meta around with buffs or nerfs. I'm not saying some perk combos aren't good together but even if you have the 'right perks' it isn't going to magically make your game experience much better. I am writing this as a reaction to the unceasing flood of YouTube videos blaring "Get this INSANE God Roll Now!" or other such nonsense. It's over the top lately. Even the most mediocre weapons get the manic God Roll treatment. Like today, there are videos about the God Roll Lodbrok-c Auto Rifle that Banshee is selling. Apparently, we NEED TO GET IT NOW!!!!, before it's gone. It's a 360 RPM AR. Who's using one of these in PvP right now? Or PvE? Who's using any AR for much right now for anything when there are literally better choices from another weapon class in every single situation? Believe me, lots of the weapons with God Rolls that got promoted by streamers will end up unused in your vault. Like this one. I believe that the self-serving streamer videos that try to induce FOMO in average Destiny players can make them dissatisfied with perfectly viable weapons the players already have. You can see it in the comments on this forum where people post about how frustrated and angry they get when they can't get certain God Rolls. It seems to me that making people feel like the game is not playable without rare-to-get things doesn't seem like a good way to build up interest in the game. Anyways, rant over. I rarely comment on streamers but I am just so tired of hype over substance.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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