Do you ever feel angry that you can't get a God Roll on the weapons you're using? Here's why you might want to step back and take a critical look at the whole God Roll notion.
I have a TON of weapons, many with what influencers consider God Rolls. The truth is these magic perk combos don't make anywhere near the difference that they are made out to have. Sure they can add a bit more edge but what is really important is whether the base weapon itself is good, and that depends on the weapon's inherent stats and if Bungie has shifted the sandbox meta around with buffs or nerfs.
I'm not saying some perk combos aren't good together but even if you have the 'right perks' it isn't going to magically make your game experience much better. I am writing this as a reaction to the unceasing flood of YouTube videos blaring "Get this INSANE God Roll Now!" or other such nonsense. It's over the top lately. Even the most mediocre weapons get the manic God Roll treatment.
Like today, there are videos about the God Roll Lodbrok-c Auto Rifle that Banshee is selling. Apparently, we NEED TO GET IT NOW!!!!, before it's gone. It's a 360 RPM AR. Who's using one of these in PvP right now? Or PvE? Who's using any AR for much right now for anything when there are literally better choices from another weapon class in every single situation?
Believe me, lots of the weapons with God Rolls that got promoted by streamers will end up unused in your vault. Like this one.
I believe that the self-serving streamer videos that try to induce FOMO in average Destiny players can make them dissatisfied with perfectly viable weapons the players already have. You can see it in the comments on this forum where people post about how frustrated and angry they get when they can't get certain God Rolls. It seems to me that making people feel like the game is not playable without rare-to-get things doesn't seem like a good way to build up interest in the game.
Anyways, rant over. I rarely comment on streamers but I am just so tired of hype over substance.
I just use my own favorite roll that works for me. I never listen to "god roll" claims.
Agree that not every god roll will be everyone's god roll. But the streamers/content creators, they need to create hype and engagement to get clicks, views and money. That's their job. In case I think some content creator is too baity, I just let YouTube not recommend the channel for me. This is the same reason they always make videos with INSANE or BROKEN builds (and then a red arrow on thumbnail lol), but in the end is just business. Some contents are really good, some are just bait. Some of them make videos like "wow, this crap weapon is actually INSANE" but then, dude is so cracked that he can go flawless solo on Trials with a toothpick. So, yeah, we need to filter what we do and do not consume of these videos.
FOMO is what playing these types of games live off. You gotta get it before it’s gone. If you don’t you’re missing out. Blah blah blah. Truth be told. In 2 months it’ll be something else you gotta have or you’re missing out. Play with the guns you want and don’t get sucked in by the self serving streamer/creator click bait. You want an immortal then play trials. Once you get one will the game suddenly be better? They make you think it will be. It most definitely will. BUT only if you’re gullible enough to think so.
I think it’s more noticeable on mouse and keyboard. Not sure which one you use. On console, the base weapon stats are more important than the perks, in my opinion. Main reason is because M&K doesn’t have recoil. Console users have a lot of recoil and unpredictability, especially when it comes to SMG’s. That’s why I wish they would target the SMG nerf towards M&K players. They can shoot SMG’s are further than intended ranges without suffering from the -blam!- recoil that console users have to contend with. The SMG nerf that’s coming will negatively impact console users the most!
In most (like 95-98%) cases I would agree with you. There ARE however some pretty special perk combinations out there that truly do make a difference in at least in pve. They are very rare, so this doesn't apply to the vast majority of weapons put there A few examples off the top of my head: Osmosis + demolotionist Kinetic tremors + shoot to loot Adaptive munitions + turnabout Chill clip + autoloading holster destabilizing rounds + repulsor brace Still waiting for a weapon that can roll with gunshot straight and a payload perk- kind of a long shot but that may have some fun synnergy in the right situation depending on how they work together
In most (like 95-98%) cases I would agree with you. There ARE however some pretty special perk combinations out there that truly do make a difference in at least in pve. They are very rare, so this doesn't apply to the vast majority of weapons put there A few examples off the top of my head: Osmosis + demolotionist Kinetic tremors + shoot to loot Adaptive munitions + turnabout Chill clip + autoloading holster destabilizing rounds + repulsor brace Still waiting for a weapon that can roll with gunshot straight and a payload perk- kind of a long shot but that may have some fun synnergy in the right situation
[quote]The truth is these magic perk combos don't make anywhere near the difference that they are made out to have[/quote] This. Very few God Rolled Weapons have truly shined in D2 history in few occasions. Most of the time (like 99% of it) you need just a couple of right Perks and your gun will do the same job as a God Rolled one.
When the game’s content hasn’t been fun to replay since LF launches it becomes a so called “slow news day” for the streamers. They then all band together to hype a certain gun to stay relevant. Can’t begrudge them trying to earn a living. Just keep in mind they only do what they do to increase their personal revenue not necessarily what’s in the best interests of the game.
Artisanにより編集済み: 3/31/2023 5:03:09 PMBeen using Lodbrok a tonne only because it makes 360s bearable. If the Target Lock nerf has destroyed that it'll be so much collateral damage for putting it on and shipping Immortal ridiculously hot. Combos of perks do make the gun. But there are major combos between the main 2 perks and relatively minor tweaks beyond those 2 interactions. Those finer stat tweaks really only come to play in PvP.