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3/28/2023 9:18:51 PM

Incorrect trait description--Offhand Strike [Traditional Chinese]

Another localisation issue, this time for the trait "offhand strike" in traditional Chinese, the English description states: [quote]Final blows grant additional weapon range, stability, and accuracy when firing from the hip for a short duration.[/quote] Where as the traditional Chinese version: [quote]腰射最後一擊將在短時間給予額外武器射程、穩定性以及精準度。[/quote] The traditional Chinese description incorrectly state that: [b]hip-fire final blows[/b] grant additional weapon range, stability and accuracy for a short duration. I think this should be looked at since the translated description completely derailed from the actual effect of this perk, and this isn't a difficult fix whatsoever. Since the issue from my post was fixed rather quickly (really appreciate this btw!) I decided to start making posts about incorrect translations in both the simplified and traditional Chinese version more frequently.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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