[quote]The bad players don't harass or message me when I outplay them. unless they claim im cheating.[/quote] I have yet to see a good player writing to me after i beat them/ get beaten by it( unless i know them) But as you said, the bad players are the one a cusing of cheating and yet you say they arent egotists. Btw, i have yet to see someone good writing to Someone bad harassing them for their skill gap, like what do you need to prove to someone who is objectively worse than you?
[quote]im average. But I have pissed off enough people to get a fair bit of hatemail. Even though I'm usually 1v6.[/quote] Well , thats sad, but from my point of view( i can be considered a sweat, i played against streamers , won and lost) both me and my friends see no point in harassing someone worse than us, expecially in 6s which SHOULD be a chill playlist. Again, i feel sorry for u bc its not right, but if u think about my point of view you can understand why i think that about bad players, i get hatemaild every 2 games, called cheater every 4 and getting reported way too much.
[quote][quote]That Dante guy is a sperg who I muted lol, don't mind him[/quote] Honestly, i dont mind people below 1.0 ld, not because of their kd, but usually they are dic k heads[/quote] Hahaha that's so damn true