Bungie, plz extend the max. amount of Buffs/Debuffs shown on screen!!
The limit of max. 4 Buffs/Debuffs shown on screen is just not enough. We are running around with builds, that can have woven mail, volatile rounds, void overshield, armor charge and several surges literally all the time. So the Buff-section is not even large enough for our build alone.
On top there are buffs from teammates (e.g. radiant), let alone enemies an mechanics. Within a Raid for example, it is no problem to have 8 - 10 buffs/debuffs active at a time, meaning you can only see less than half of it!
The actual on screen section is just not up to date with the current amount of buffs/debuffs we are carrying. And so far, Bungie did not even comment on this topic once, although this is not only a quality of life thing but can also harm gameplay.
(Just for those being worried to have their screens flooded: implement a cap in the gameplay options, so that each player can limit it -> solved)