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3/18/2023 12:32:33 AM

Aphelion 's Rest on Master Level - Broken Champions

Title says it all - Fix your fornicating Stun mechanics! Aphelion 's Rest is a prime example of just how poorly coded and tested your game is! Unstoppables sporadically refuse to stun with precision hits with Scout Rifles (has explosive rounds on it too!). They just keep coming, ignoring the fact that they have been stunned. You here the Stun noise, but they just motor over and end you. Secondly, what Bungle Moron thought standing their for the 3+ seconds holding your scout rifle before the Unstoppable shot fires is fun! Next we come to the Teleporting stunned Overloads Hob Goblins that even though you hear the Stun noise, they walk away behind cover or better yet, teleport behind cover and heal in the process. Bungle, you should be ashamed of this shoddy crap your putting out.



マナーを守りましょう。投稿する前に、Bungie の行為規範を確認してください。 キャンセル 編集 ファイアチームを作る 投稿

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