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Hexbugにより編集済み: 3/6/2023 6:24:31 AM

Volatile Flow and Overload Round Issues

The Volatile Flow and Overload Round artifact mods are having issues with certain weapons, so I have attached a video that showcases a variety of weapons so y'all can try to identify the issue. Weapon 1: Unforgiven. Volatile and Overload proc, as expected. Weapon 2: Gnawing Hunger. Only Overload procs. Weapon 3: Hero's Burden. Neither mod procs. Weapon 4: Snorri FR5 (a gun that won't be effected by the Overload artifact mod). Volatile procs. There isn't a clear "this will or won't work under a certain condition" pattern, it seems to be a "some work, some don't" sort of thing. Good luck with the fix, Hexbug



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