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3/5/2023 9:49:05 PM

Iron's Wrath Recruitment

Hello there, [b]Guardians.[/b] This is an open recruitment for Iron's Wrath clan for Destiny 2, we are a clan that has been formed for many years now of friends who love this franchise and while at times have stopped playing can't help but come back to it. Even with Lightfall's reception we are still proud to play the game, and we'd like you to join to meet some friendly folk. We are totally okay with absolutely anyone joining be it PvE only, PvP only or somewhere in the middle. Whatever tickles your fancy. We do daily activities be it raids, strike spam, [i]Gambit[/i], PvP or even if you're a new player looking for a welcoming home. As you can tell we're big fans of the Iron Lords from this universe as all of us met during Rise of Iron, very far back now. If you'd like to join please just interact with this post and/or join our discord or get directly in contact with myself or our co owners Lexi or Wally at: Calvinily#2022 lexi#0008 Big Wallace#2731 Please note we are okay with any platforms however we do not tolerate racism, -blam!- or anything like that, so if you think that will be okay here keep on moving. We hope to see the rest of you out there and hopefully in our clan!
#fun #Clans #Raids



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